snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Sep 23, 2010 15:07
location: goliath national bank, year: 2009, character: marshall eriksen, type: picspam, lol: marshall, marshall: king of being discreet, season: 4, episode: 4x18 old king clancy
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Jun 19, 2010 21:42
!special: gifweek, location: goliath national bank, year: 2008, episode: 4x08 woooo!, season: 4, lol: sven, type: gif
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Apr 08, 2010 12:44
location: goliath national bank, character: ranjit, location: marshall and lily's apartment, guest star: marshall manesh, year: 2009, relationship: marshall/lily, lol: lily, type: picspam, lol: marshall, character: lily aldrin, marshall: such a girl, character: marshall eriksen, !special: one week one episode, location: car or taxi, season: 4, episode: 4x13 three days of snow
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Apr 01, 2010 11:37
location: goliath national bank, barney: master of awesomeness, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, ted mosby: architect, year: 2008, episode: 4x08 woooo!, character: marshall eriksen, relationship: barney/marshall/ted, character: ted mosby, type: picspam, relationship: barney/marshall, season: 4